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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  November 14, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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americans signed up for health coverage during its first month of operation. fewer than 27,000 were able to enroll. tax dollars being used to bail out some nonviolent offenders. >> studies show that on average it takes cook county prisoners 13 days to raise their bond money. when you're talking about thousands of nonviolent offenders who did not have the money to meet bond on low-level misdemeanor charges the cost to taxpayers is an enormouenormous. >> these are small bonds. we'll be able
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to cut that to think that the most will be three days. 10 days at $143 a day. we would be saving an average $1,400 per person. >> the commissioner is the architect. he says for a modest investment taxpayers might be able to save enormous amounts of money. the exact amount of those savings are still being determined. a study on the innovative proposal to be presented to the board on march 1st. the commissioner believes that the establishment of a fund in the amount of $2 million would allow the county to provide bond money. the county gets the money back even after low-level offenders does not appear for his or her court date. the share of supports the innovative proposal and chief of policy says it will help the
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overcrowded jail system. >> lynn with the low level offenders allows us to be assured that we'll always have capacity for the gun offenders. >> we might have to build another division of the jail. building that could be $300 million in investments. the president weighing in on the proposal this midday. her office released this britain statement. open to any and all ideas when it comes to reforming the criminal justice system. we want to make sure it is thoroughly reviewed.
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>> 53 rules on his way to work walking a few blocks away from home when he is shot to death. authorities say nearby surveillance camera footage might offer some valuable images of his final moments. he worked for ups for 32 years. northern illinois university student is charged with having to guns in his campus dorm room. arrested tuesday. police took him into custody when they learned you received a package. police emphasized there was no threat to the student body. health officials continue to monitor. >> the health department says both men are in stable
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condition. after contracting legionnaires. the national chain has not yet offered official comment on the situation. actively addressing the problem. sticking with their work routines today. they're people who are cleaning this club all the time. it was one of those isolated incidents. the matter caught the attention of the health department soon after two men were diagnosed. the concern of hot tubs in particular is an aberration is occurring. if there is legionella in the water and can be in
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the mist. rigorous testing by the county and state cleared all other areas of the gym. the hot tub will have to undergo to thorough cleaning and to inspections before it can reopen. you have to get in there and make sure it is thoroughly removed. that is why there is a rigorous two-step process. many others are merely doing more cleaning before they're exercising. >> i do not, the hot tub. a hot tub is closed to everyone. until it is able to pass inspections that might take at least two weeks.
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>> visiting mexico city to sign an agreement expanding trade between chicago and mexican companies. the second most visited catholic sanctuary in the world behind st. peter's. the rink there really was located at the parking lot of edison. construction is now on hold while the cubs negotiate with rooftop owners. coming up a sinkhole swallows up part of his home. the florida man is speaking up about his escape.
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>> a new study shows how popular the gift card really is.
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nearly 400 kids are rescued from child abuse and roughly 350 people arrested during a long investigation into those who produce and perchers child pornography.purchase child pornography. >> the owner of the company has been in jail since 2011. the producers to make the illegal films have been convicted. among those arrested 40 teachers six law enforcement personnel. >> a half dozen homes were evacuated early this morning after a sinkhole opened up. take a look at this video. part of a patio cave in. no one was injured in this. >> the homeowner
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says there has been cinco activity in the area and they were already working with their insurance company to fix their property. >> started affecting the neighbor's house. my ball sunk into the crater >> hundreds of sinkholes form in florida every year. u.s. navy ships have arrived in the philippines bringing much-needed relief to the victims. among the vessels taking part in the relief efforts is the u.s.s. george washington which has 80 aircraft and 5000 sailors to distribute food water and medicine. >> the husband and the overwhelming response to the call
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for donations for the typhoon victims. they will continue accepting donations of already made package food. they do not need any more clothing or water. a 45 ft. container will be arriving today. u.s. marines were killed while clearing unexploded weapons. appendectomy morning at camp pendleton in california. there routinely sweep their firing range for a lot of weapons and ammo. this time something exploded. the names of the marines are not yet being released. eight months ago a mortar explosion killed seven range. a blood filled chapter is now closed. was
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convicted in august of 11 murders. >> is a fugitive from more than 15 years before he was finally captured in california. was sentenced to death today for the rape and murder of his girlfriend's three year-old daughter. on monday he asked to donate a kidney and his heart to an ailing mother and sister. >> the governor is delaying the execution until july 2nd. he says while the crime was heinous the state should allow the ordinance to save lives. there's no solid evidence that they can identify possible terrorist.
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i recommend congress stopped funding the program. the policy has cost the government nearly $900 million. >> he says it will help students with food allergies like his oldest daughter. >> to secret service. the washington post first reported that an agent tried to get into the room of a woman he met at the hotel bar. after realizing he left a bullet behind in their room. after the investigation of the agency authorities discovered that
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agent and another supervisor said suggested the male to female employee. >> there may be a new way for people with diabetes to monitor blood sugar levels that does not involve pricking their fingers. spice up your thanksgiving leftovers. some unique takes on traditional
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defending this federal reserve stimulus measure. she is answering
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questions from the committee this midday. she made clear that she would continue with the monetary policy making no major changes. if confirmed she would be the first woman to hold the post. investigators watching that hearing very closely. stocks are edging higher for the most part. it has been a boom time for the housing market. the spike in interest rates over the summer made homes less affordable. you that all of that together and some potential buyers to move to the sideline. asking prices were lowered on a quarter of listings in september which was the biggest in two years. a good time
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to buy if you're in the market for a used car. prices are heading for year lows. prices might go even lower in the months to come. more new-car buyers trade in their vehicles. expect the trend to continue. holiday shoppers will spend an average of $163 on them. that is the most in the 11 years. >> man convicted of murdering a teenager learn his fate today.
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>> that is the sentence that was handed down to the 30 year-old for the murder of bryant. the point out almost 11 years ago. none of his brothers and sisters took the witness stand to offer a victim impact statements. his father saying it is a state of being in pure hell realizing that he will never come home. we have video we would like to show you. i was like five days before christmas. his blood was found in the store but his body has never been found. prosecutors argue that this is a dispute over a drug debt. >> the co-worker
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testified in exchange for immunity and says that he hit him inside of a walk-in cooler. knocking him unconscious and leaving him there. the family walked out of the court room with a sign saying he was wrongfully convicted proclaiming innocence. >> love him very much. i left him yesterday that left him today. >> he did not do nothing. >> everything i've heard about these maximum security prisons in bed. i guess he is earned his place.
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>> the family that owns the grocery store is offering a $20,000 reward. the body has never been found. at the same time they have hired a famed attorney to handle the son's appeal. i just spoke to the prosecutor moments ago about the hiring he said he is confident that they will win. >> live in woodstock. the bears getting back to work without a few
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his second start of season when the defending champion reagan's visit soldier field on sunday. their return to practice without self familiar faces. several familiar faces. the ravens
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are 1-4 on the road this season. the bears' defense still has its hands full. >> our physical and very talented. they have a franchise quarterback. weekend and week out that is how it is in the nfl. >> there grows was held up to receive treatment on his hamstring. breaux >> says he does not know if you play this weekend. >> from christmas day the bulls play brooklyn. they'll have new uniforms. the nba just revealed new big logo uniforms. the
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jerseys have short teesleeves. they're available for purchase on the and the web web site
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only one in four years produces a chill as intense as that. we will tell
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you more about that and a second. mother nature has been at work. >> was out with her camera yesterday. captured this partial. halo. she was up and ran off wisconsin when she took this picture. she said what an interesting sky is. t is. she sends us this beautiful sunset right here.
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an interesting a ray of shots. thank you mother nature for and is there. we pearland some high- level moisture.we will see some high-level clocks. warming is under way. between yesterday's 40 degree high in the 68 that might occur sunday we're going to warm another 28 degrees. there is a little fund that is going to weaken as it comes in our direction. that big arctic high pressure is off to the south of us. with the pact
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isobars. another storm start taking shape as colder air starts diving in from canada. this is the one that opens up the gulf of mexico. we will be under a jet stream sunday. the storms left to be watched. fear of the scattered showers late in the day saturday. might be joined by some thunder. the main front and back here. really cool air. the thing comes through with a better chance of organized thunderstorms. gale warnings on the lake. red flag warnings and small craft advisory for the cold air blows up.for the cold air
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blows up. >> some active weather out to the west. a sign that we're going to get more active over the weekend. these are wind gusts this evening. tomorrow morning the wind comes down a little bit. these things will gust over 40 mi. per hour. there are a delivery system pour that moisture that put under on us.the moisture on >> about three- quarters of an inch, the average among our models appear or
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to care is up north. we are at 47 in chicago. there are the increases in the temperatures across the midwest. temperatures are coming back nicely after a chilly start. ever weather station boasting at least a 10 degree temperature increase. we are finally back out of the december level temperatures back to more normal mid november level temperatures. look at some of the wind gusts. it is pretty windy out there. at least we're in the '40's and propelling the warm air into chicago. it is interesting. the
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warm air that is sweeping across the country, you can almost see the cloud elements. it will start dropping back south. by sunday night into monday we will start turning colder again. some real their ability to the weather here in the next couple of weeks. cold spells to not show any sign of grabbing hold and lasting for weeks on end. high temperatures search within a few degrees of the mid november level.surge. near seasonable temperatures tonight. saturday the mildest weekend
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gets under way. maybe a thunderstorm at night. 60 on saturday and may be 68 on sunday. >> we're not done with the warmup area.warm weather yet. >> time for today's trivia. when was the first movie theater opened?
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there is no fireball. moving on
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to fireball. there is no fireball. that makes your winning numbers for this afternoon 7004. moving on to lucky day lotto. the
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jackpot is $100,000. >> >>
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[ female announcer ] tide pods three-in-one detergent. pop in the drum of any machine... ♪ wash any size load. it dissolves in any temperature, even cold. tide pods. pop in. stand out.
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we're hearing reports of shooting in a children's hospital. it wanted person was shot and wounded by police. the suspect wantein custody. surgeons may soon have a new tool to help them remove cancerous tumors without harming tissue. the picture on your left shows an mri scan. the highlighted portion is a tumor. the
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neurosurgeon says it cancerous cells look remarkably similar to healthy cells during operation. >> will one day be able to check blood sugar levels without having to check their fingers. and developed a device that would allow patients to get a measurement just by checking their breath. >> those levels rise in blood sugar levels rise. researchers still need to figure out if the levels are a reliable measurement. >> things giving is not too far away. the best part of thanksgiving at are the best part of thank[ male announcer ] this is jim, a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation -- an irregular heartbeat,
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not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. [ gps ] proceed to the designated route. not today. [ male announcer ] for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions, jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. do not stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, without talking to the doctor who prescribes it as this may increase the risk of having a stroke. get help right away
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if you develop any symptoms like bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. you may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto® with aspirin products, nsaids or blood thinners. talk to your doctor before taking xarelto® if you have abnormal bleeding. xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. you are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto® and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is not for patients with artificial heart valves. jim changed his routine. ask your doctor about xarelto®. once a day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring -- no known dietary restrictions. for more information and savings options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit that's why there's new duracell quantum. only duracell quantum has a hi-density core. and that means more fuel, more power,
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more performance than the next leading brand. new duracell quantum. trusted everywhere. we're getting creative with holiday leftovers. he is here to show us how to make some safety meals. >> we have over 12 families that own cabot. >>we all love thanksgiving left overs. you are going to tell us how to spruce them up. >>a classic turkey
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pot pie. >>i have some pan roasted turkey gravy. put that in there. there will be plenty of leftover turkey. >>both of these recipes will be on our website. >>that is good to go. we are going to make the biscuits. sugar, baking powder, we put in some butter. we cut this with a pastry
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blender. add the worlds best cheddar. we have won ever major taste award for our cheddar. >>a lot of people are sensitive to gluten. you do not want to over work the dough. flatten it out. you can use any shape you want. we are going round today. put it right on top. >>put this in the oven at 425. you want to have them separated? >>a little bit because they are going to grow. this
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is basically what it is going to come out and look like. >>sometimes i will use a pumpkin shaped cutter. >>this is a great appetizer. >>i am using a pumpkin cookie cutter. this is good for any occasion. >>cut these out. turn it over and od i do it like that. >>this is cranberry sauce. >>that looks so
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good. >>put your cheddar on. >>a lot of times i will put the pita in the voeoven first. you want to do that before you put on the cranberry. >>this is a good way to do it. >>once you do that, do you leave it out? >>i melt the cheddar. garnish however you want. basically, this is what it is going to look like. >>they are very tasty. really really easy. you have an appetizer and a
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meal. >>thank you for showing us cabot cheese. >>fantastic. >>for more recipes go t our website
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when all is the first movie theater when was the first movie theater opened? >> the answer is 1905. >> >> a nice smile the
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weekend on the way. we will be dodging some rainfall. here you can see the big picture. we get a mix of sun and clouds. that is what we have seen then the next couple of days . see how the scattered sharp clusters develop. they proliferate saturday night. a front sits back in iowa. that things comes at a spirited that could mean some bases and severe weather. forties' today. 50s today.tomorrow. some
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pretty good rainfall is forecast. this is a three day animation. does not include the rainfall that will come in during the day on sunday. here is a depiction. >> 53 tomorrow. 60 on saturday. >> we're not going to get immersed in >> we're not going to get immersed in the school air.
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people ask why a man campaigning for office in mexico comes to the united states. the answer is this... i believe that our people are separated by a border more symbolic than real. that regardless of race or religion or political affiliations, we are one. we must reach out to each other. right. yeah.
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the problems we share, the terrible effects of illegal drugs, recognize no national borders, nor do the criminals who profit from them. [applause] you got to admit, a lot of what he says makes sense, partner. they always make sense until they get elected. as a military officer in mexico, i fought the powerful drug lords. as president, i pledge to continue that war on every street of every city and village. think there's any truth to the rumor of an attempt on his life? we can't rule anything out. well, at least you have confidence in his security chief. yeah, jesse rodriguez-- he was one of the top federales in mexico.


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